Preface |
VII | |
Chapter 1 Digital Designs with EDA and FPGA |
1 | |
1.1. Overview | 3 | |
1.2. Register Transfer Level | 5 | |
1.3. Electronic Design Automation and Hardware Description Language | 6 | |
1.4. Field Programmable Gate Arrays | 8 | |
1.5. DE1, DE1-SOC and DE2-115 Boards | 9 | |
1.6. Exercises | 11 | |
Chapter 2 VHDL Primers |
13 | |
2.1. Basic Modeling | 14 | |
2.1.1. Lexical Elements | 14 | |
2.1.2. VHDL Data Types | 16 | |
2.2. Packages in IEEE Library | 23 | |
2.2.1. Multi-Valued Logic System | 24 | |
2.2.2. Logic Operators/Functions | 26 | |
2.2.3. Arithmetic Operators/Functions | 27 | |
2.3. Concurrent Statements | 27 | |
2.3.1. Signal Assignments and Operators | 28 | |
2.3.2. WHEN-ELSE | 28 | |
2.3.3. Component Instantiation | 32 | |
2.3.4. Process | 35 | |
2.4. Sequential Statements | 36 | |
2.4.1. Assignments and Functions | 36 | |
2.4.2. IF Statements | 36 | |
2.4.3. CASE Statements | 37 | |
2.5. Exercises | 40 | |
Chapter 3 RTL Digital Designs |
46 | |
3.1. Combinational RTL Components | 47 | |
3.1.1. Signals and Numbers | 47 | |
3.1.2. Multiplexers | 48 | |
3.1.3. Adders | 57 | |
3.1.4. Multipliers | 66 | |
3.1.5. Comparators | 67 | |
3.2. Sequential RTL Components | 70 | |
3.2.1. VHDL Structure for Sequential Digital Circuits | 70 | |
3.2.2. Registers | 74 | |
3.2.3. Shift Registers | 76 | |
3.2.4. Counters | 79 | |
3.3. Memory Components | 84 | |
3.3.1. FPGA's Built-in RAMs | 84 | |
3.3.2. ROMs | 87 | |
3.3.3. SRAM | 89 | |
3.4. Finite State Machines | 90 | |
3.5. Exercises | 94 | |
Chapter 4 Design of Digital Systems |
99 | |
4.1. Digital System Modeling | 100 | |
4.1.1. Functional Block Diagrams | 101 | |
4.1.2. State Diagram | 102 | |
4.1.3. Flowchart | 102 | |
4.1.4. FSM VHDL Infrastructure | 103 | |
4.2. Design Example I: Sequence Detector | 106 | |
4.2.1. Combinational Case | 106 | |
4.2.2. Single Event Part I | 107 | |
4.2.3. Single Event Part II | 109 | |
4.2.4. Complex Sequence | 110 | |
4.2.5. Sequence with Time Constraint | 112 | |
4.3. Design Example II: Stopwatch | 122 | |
4.3.1. Frequency Generator | 122 | |
4.3.2. BCD Counter | 124 | |
4.3.3. Controller | 127 | |
4.3.4. Hex-to-Sevenseg and Debounce | 132 | |
4.3.5. Stopwatch Design Version 1 | 135 | |
4.3.6. Stopwatch Design Version 2 | 136 | |
4.4. Exercises | 142 | |
Chapter 5 Personal System/2 (PS/2) Keyboard |
147 | |
5.1. PS/2 Protocol | 148 | |
5.1.1. Physical Connectors | 148 | |
5.1.2. Serial Data Format | 149 | |
5.1.3. Keyboard Interface Design | 150 | |
5.2. Keyboard Scan Code | 154 | |
5.2.1. Make and Break Codes | 155 | |
5.2.2. Simple Interface Design Example | 155 | |
5.3. Handshaking and Decision Makings | 159 | |
5.3.1. Two-Wire Handshaking | 159 | |
5.3.2. Handshaking with Keyboard Interface | 160 | |
5.3.3. Using Shift Register to Detect Break Codes | 165 | |
5.4. Ticker Display Example | 167 | |
5.4.1. Modified Hex-to-Sevenseg | 169 | |
5.4.2. Slow Clock Generator | 170 | |
5.4.3. Keyboard Command Interpreter | 171 | |
5.4.4. Ticker Display Controller | 177 | |
5.4.5. Complete Design | 180 | |
5.5. Exercises | 182 | |
Chapter 6 Video Graphics Array (VGA) |
188 | |
6.1. VGA Interface Design | 191 | |
6.1.1. VGA Timing Specifications | 191 | |
6.1.2. Phase Lock Loop | 194 | |
6.1.3. VGA Hardware Supports on DE Boards | 197 | |
6.1.4. Basic VGA Interface | 200 | |
6.1.5. Screen Test Circuit | 203 | |
6.2. Video Memory | 208 | |
6.2.1. General Organization | 209 | |
6.2.2. Color Depth and Memory Space Utilization | 210 | |
6.2.3. VGA Interface with Video RAM Design | 212 | |
6.2.4. Bouncing Ball Example | 217 | |
6.3. Animation with Keyboard Controls | 225 | |
6.3.1. Design Overview | 225 | |
6.3.2. Keyboard Handler | 226 | |
6.3.3. Drawing Borders and Initial Paddle | 227 | |
6.3.4. Collision Detections | 229 | |
6.3.5. Main FSM Design | 231 | |
6.4. Exercises | 242 | |
Chapter 7 Text Video |
246 | |
7.1. VGA Interface with Hardware Font Table | 247 | |
7.1.1. Hardware Organization | 247 | |
7.1.2. Bitmap Font Construction | 249 | |
7.1.3. ROM: 1-Port | 251 | |
7.1.4. Design of VGA Interface with Built-in Font Table | 252 | |
7.1.5. Text Video Screen Test | 256 | |
7.1.6. In-System Memory Content Editor | 259 | |
7.2. Text Terminal Design Example | 259 | |
7.2.1. Design Overview | 261 | |
7.2.2. Converting Scan Codes to ASCII Codes | 262 | |
7.2.3. FSM Design | 263 | |
7.2.4. VHDL Codes | 266 | |
7.3. Multi-Colored Displays | 273 | |
7.3.1. Colored Text | 273 | |
7.3.2. Multiple Lookup tables | 280 | |
7.3.3. Single Lookup Table | 284 | |
7.4. Exercises | 292 | |
Chapter 8 Digital Audio |
296 | |
8.1. Audio Interface Design | 300 | |
8.1.1. I2 C Controller | 301 | |
8.1.2. Bit Clock and Left/Right Clock | 311 | |
8.1.3. Digital Audio Receiver/Transmitter | 312 | |
8.1.4. Echo Audio Effect | 317 | |
8.2. Digital Audio Signal Generations | 323 | |
8.2.1. Wavetable Synthesizer | 323 | |
8.2.2.Random Number Generators for White Noise Generations | 328 | |
8.2.3. Digital Audio Generator Test Circuit | 332 | |
8.3. Finite Impulse Response Filter | 334 | |
8.3.1. Altera's FIR Compiler | 335 | |
8.3.2. Avalon Bus Interface | 338 | |
8.3.3. FIR Filter Test Circuit | 340 | |
8.4. Exercises | 343 | |
Chapter 9 Advanced Digital Design Examples |
349 | |
9.1. PS/2 Mouse Interface Design | 350 | |
9.1.1. PS/2 Transmitter and Receiver | 352 | |
9.1.2. PS/2 Protocol for Mouse | 355 | |
9.1.3. Data Packet | 358 | |
9.2. Video Interface with Full VGA Resolution | 365 | |
9.2.1. SRAM Interface | 366 | |
9.2.2. Hardware Mouse Cursor | 369 | |
9.2.3. Video memory Constructed from Two Video RAMs | 374 | |
9.3. Mandelbrot Set | 379 | |
9.3.1. Mandelbrot Calculations | 379 | |
9.3.2. Zoom Functions | 381 | |
9.3.3. Fixed-Point Arithmetic | 383 | |
9.3.4. Mandelbrot with Fixed-Point Arithmetic Circuits | 385 | |
9.4. Mandelbrot with Double Precision Floating-Point Numbers | 390 | |
9.4.1. Floating-Point Number Standard | 390 | |
9.4.2. Altera's FP Megafunctions | 392 | |
9.4.3. Datapaths | 395 | |
9.4.4. Mandelbrot with Floating-Point Arithmetic Circuits | 398 | |
9.5. Multiple Clock Domains | 408 | |
9.5.1. DE1 and DE2-115 Examples | 408 | |
9.5.2. DE1-SOC Examples | 410 | |
9.5.3. Hardware Resource Utilizations | 410 | |
9.6. Exercises | 412 | |
Chapter 10 More About VHDL |
416 | |
10.1. Compiler Directives | 417 | |
10.1.1. ASSERT and REPORT | 418 | |
10.1.2. Data Related | 419 | |
10.1.3. Simulation Related | 420 | |
10.2. Attributes | 421 | |
10.2.1. For Scalar Types | 422 | |
10.2.2. For Array Types | 422 | |
10.2.3. For Signals | 423 | |
10.2.4. For Entities | 423 | |
10.3. Synthesizable Statements | 424 | |
10.3.1. Combinational Ststements | 424 | |
10.3.2. Sequential Statements | 429 | |
10.3.3. Configuration Specifications | 431 | |
10.4. Iterative Structures | 431 | |
10.4.1. FOR-GENERATE | 431 | |
10.4.2. IF-GENERATE | 433 | |
10.4.3. LOOP | 437 | |
10.5. Subprograms | 441 | |
10.5.1 Functions | 441 | |
10.5.2. Procedures | 443 | |
10.6. Library and Package | 445 | |
10.6.1. Package Declaration | 445 | |
10.6.2. Create a Package | 449 | |
10.6.3. Create a Library | 451 | |
10.7. Exercises | 454 | |
APPENDIX A Operators and Functions Overloading |
458 | |
A.1. From STD_LOGIC_1164 | 459 | |
A.2. From NUMERIC_STD | 459 | |
462 | |
B.1. Standard (Built-In) | 463 | |
B.2. STD_LOGIC_1164 | 465 | |
B.3. NUMERIC_STD | 470 | |
B.4. NUMERIC_BIT | 473 | |
APPENDIX C Additional EDA Tools |
479 | |
C.1. Programmer | 480 | |
C.2. ModelSim-Altera | 486 | |
C.3. SignalTap II Logic Analyzer | 495 | |
501 |