友晶科技成立于 2003 年,专注於开发高阶 FPGA 板卡,并提供包含半导体、软硬体科技等全球 FPGA 专案服务。友晶於最高端 FPGA 系统之研发能力,为世界前五大 IC 设计公司 Altera 所承认采用,除为Altera 亚太区设计中心外,更成为 Altera 最新 FPGA 研发及生产夥伴,并连续五年获得Altera最佳供应商的殊荣。2009年为因应中国区日益成长的市场需求,于武汉设立中国总部,并移植台湾的专业经验及能力,提供全方位的高服务品质。
对品质的严格把关,是友晶科技在日趋竞争的产业界中,始终被认定为最受信任厂商的坚持。在国际间,友晶作为专业电子制造服务 (EMS) 领导厂商而深获肯定;在委托制造 (OEM) 与委托设计制造 (ODM) 上,友晶也能针对客户需求,量身订作出尖端设计与统合服务方案。包含与美国柏克莱实验室与友晶科技共同合作,实现使用FPGA设计的PET系统;应用Stratix IV FPGA 高阶系统,与美方研制新型飞行器;与Arrow共同合作推出全新SoC平台, Cyclone V SoC Kit;Intel采用友晶科技设计的DE2i-150於嵌入式元件设计大赛 Cornell Cup;以DE5-Net高阶开发板,提供KCG Holdings高频交易 (High Frequency Trading )金融服务等跨领域的国际合作案,足见友晶科技在软硬体整合的坚实实力!

Leading manufacturer of high-end PLDs ( Programmable Logic Devices). Terasic is Intel’s board designer and manufacturing partner. This is a wider card with supporting text below as a natural lead-in to additional content. This content is a little bit longer.

Agilent Technologies
Agilent is committed to providing innovative measurement solutions that enable our customers and partners to meet the critical requirements for electronic measurement. Together, Terasic and Agilent delivers top teaching material and support to Intel University Program.

Analog Devices
Manufacturers and markets a broad line of standard high performance integrated circuits. Analog Devices has worked closely with Terasic to provide approved and tested solutions for FPGA based systems.

Integrated Silicon Solution, Inc. (ISSI)
A technology leader, designs, develops and markets high performance integrated circuits. ISSI focuses on to provide high performance memory integrated circuits for Terasic FPGA based systems.

Micron Technology, Inc
We are a world leader in innovative memory solutions that transform how the world uses information. For over 45 years, our company has been instrumental to the world’s most significant technology advancements, delivering optimal memory and storage systems for a broad range of applications.

We make power design fun! With our innovative proprietary technology processes, we thrive on re-imagining and re-defining the possibilities of high-performance power solutions in industrial applications, telecom infrastructures, cloud computing, automotive, and consumer applications.

POSCAP utilizes sintered Tantalum as an anode sytem and highly conductive polymer created with Panasonic's unique method as a cathode system. This enabled POSCAP to be thin, small and at the same time have low ESR (Equivalent Series Resistance) and superior high frequency characteristics. These features make POSCAP one of the best candidates for digital/high frequency applications. POSCAP also has high reliability and heat resistance.

Reed Semiconductor Corp.
Reed Semiconductor is an emerging semiconductor company that was established in 2019 by a team of experienced power management professionals. Headquartered in Rhode Island, USA, with offices in Taipei, Shenzhen, and Bangalore, we have a global presence and are dedicated to delivering exceptional products and services that surpass industry expectations.

Founded in 1976, Samtec is much more than just another connector company. We put people first, along with a commitment to exceptional service, quality products and innovative technologies that take the industry further faster. This is enabled by our unique, fully integrated business model, which allows for true collaboration and innovation without the limits of traditional business models.

Skyworks is a longstanding leader in innovative connectivity solutions with roots going back to 1962. Stay up to date on the leading edge technologies that play an integral role in the ways we collaborate, educate and entertain.

Texas Instruments Incorporated.

Altera Design Services Network (DSN) Program
友晶杰出的专业表现,获选加入 Altera 设计服务联盟一员。

Altera 亚太区设计中心
基於良好的合作经验, Altera 特授与重点设计中心权责,友晶成为 Altera 亚太区设计之枢纽。

ISO 9001 国际品质认证
友晶产品的优良品质及严格品管,通过 ISO 9001 国际品质认证。